Phuc Le

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I am TALL Stack developer. I make software products for SEO world. Things like: Larseo, DeKnot, Oh My Link, Oh Link, and more.

Why You Need Multiple Income Streams?

March 14, 2022 — 2 mins Read

Why You Need Multiple Income Streams?
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash.

If you are relying 100% on your full-time job to earn money, you should think again. This tweet will give you reasons why you should have multiple income streams.

  1. Diversify income sources and avoid being broke: my first lesson when I studied personal finance was “don’t put all eggs in one basket”. It is about risk management in your personal live. In this fast-changing world, nothing is secured 100%, including your job. Imaging some day you may lose your only job, your savings are not enough to pay bills for a couple of months, then will you be still happy? The idea is if you have multiple income streams, you can still manage your normal life if something wrong happened to one of your income sources.
  2. Make more money: this is the most obvious reason for having multiple income streams. I have a dream of going shopping without looking at the price tag. That’s why making more money is a must-do thing for me.
  3. Be free in long term: achieving freedom is one of the most common dreams for everybody, in my opinion. In short term, you may have to work more, think more, learn more and take more pain. However, believe me, if you keep accumulating income, assets by having more income streams, sooner or later, you will achieve your freedom, financially. Then you can do what you want, buy what you like, go where you love without thinking too much about your financial constraints.

At this point, you can see the value of having multiple income stream. But just remember, many income streams can take time and work to build, but you will learn a lot along the way and it will ensure you’re on the right path financially. For me, I am still young, so learning more are what I love during seeking more income sources. Next tweet I will share with you about some possible income streams beside your full-time job and what income stream I have right now.

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